50 State
Commemorative Quarter Books
Kids Coin Collecting for Kids
Written by Steve
Illustrated by Jack Graham
updated to include Presidential $1 coins and Westward Journey nickels! A
colorful, kid-friendly book to introduce children to a lifelong hobby,
Coin Collecting for Kids encourages children to search for, save, and
learn all about many different U.S. coins. Take a tour through the mint
and save pennies from four different decades while learning about how
coins are made. Slots on every page let kids collect birth-year coins,
millennium coins, and twentieth-century coins. Lastly, a gatefold spread
will accommodate all 50 wildly popular statehood quarters. Organized by
release year, each slot lists the state's nickname, motto, flower, and
bird. Recommended Ages: 6 - 12

A Bank In A Book: Coin Count-y
Written, designed, and
developed by innovative KIDS
Illustrated by Jim Talbot
Coin Count-y
teaches children the value of money and how to save it. Instead
of depositing money in a hollow piggy bank, Coin Count-y
allows children to see what they are saving. Each colorful page
has cutout slots where kids can store their coins. Children will
build early math skills as they follow the savings path through
the Penny Candy Shop, the Five-and-Ten-Cents Store, the Quarter
Quarry, and the Dollar Roundup. Children who complete the
journey will have saved more than $20! 10 Heavy Duty
Recommended Ages: 5 - 9